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Novus Voices

Transformative Approach to AI Research: Philip E. Agre’s Vision

AI ethics & history explored through Philip E. Agre's lens, advocating for social sciences in AI development.

August 1, 2024
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AI has always been driven by technical expertise and progress. The reason behind this is simple: like most technology, AI research was influenced by wartime developments. Early work drew from cybernetics and pioneers like Alan Turing (famously portrayed by Benedict Cumberbatch in “The Imitation Game”), focusing on creating machines that simulate human intelligence. Post-World War II, the field was spurred by technological advances and the return of scientists to academia. The 1956 Dartmouth Conference, organized by John McCarthy, Marvin Minsky, Nathaniel Rochester, and Claude Shannon, marked the formal birth of AI.

I don’t want to overshadow this great article, but I need to explain why I chose to reflect on this paper. As a founder with over six years of experience in AI and sociology, I’ve been contemplating AI development—how, why, for what purpose, and in whose advantage we pursue it. In business, we often lack the ethical boundaries established by philosophical debates. Investor incentives tend to be our primary concern. If an investor cares about ethics, that’s great. But are they really willing to burn millions to ensure it remains ethical?

While academia may be different, AI development, especially for AI-powered products, is mostly driven by people lacking knowledge in social sciences. Today, product efficiency is prioritized over potential consequences. Engineers are like heavy, fast trains that can destroy everything in their path—that’s their job. The focus is on speed and efficiency, often at the expense of considering the broader impact on society. This lack of interdisciplinary understanding can lead to unintended and potentially harmful outcomes, highlighting the need for a more holistic approach to AI development.

As a tech person himself, Agre, in his article, argues for a transformative approach to AI research that incorporates critical reflection and interdisciplinary insights. This shift is essential not only for the advancement of the field but also for addressing its broader social and ethical implications.

The Necessity of Interdisciplinary Engagement

Agre believes that AI development often lacks ethical boundaries. He is somewhat right; such topics are mostly mentioned only when something goes wrong. There is no pre-planning for these issues because most tech people are not well-educated in such topics. One of Agre’s central points is the importance of integrating perspectives from philosophy, social sciences, and literary theory into AI research. When created, AI is not just zeros and ones anymore. The products we build affect everyone’s lives: poor, rich, strong, weak, women, men, and everyone in between.

Additionally, the development itself is quite rapid. Every day, new models emerge, and no one stops to think and reflect on the potential harm. It’s not an easy subject to address, but it’s still a significant problem. In cooler terms, Agre points out that the prioritization of product efficiency over potential consequences can lead to ethical oversights.

He writes, “AI has never had much of a reflexive critical practice, any more than any other technical field. Criticisms of the field, no matter how sophisticated and scholarly they might be, are certain to be met with the assertion that the author simply fails to understand a basic point.” By bringing in insights from other disciplines, AI researchers can challenge their own assumptions and methodologies, leading to more robust and ethically sound systems.

The Role of Critical Reflection

Agre’s personal journey from an AI researcher to a social scientist exemplifies the challenges and rewards of adopting a critical perspective. He emphasizes the importance of questioning the foundational assumptions of AI, stating, “A critical technical practice will, at least for the foreseeable future, must have a split identity—one foot planted in the craft work of design and the other foot planted in the reflexive work of critique.” This dual approach allows researchers to innovate while remaining mindful of the broader impacts of their work.

Moving Beyond Traditional AI

The traditional AI approach often relies heavily on technical formalization, sometimes at the expense of understanding the complexities of human behavior and social contexts. Agre critiques this, noting, “The field’s most prominent members tended to treat their research as the heir of virtually the whole of intellectual history. I have often heard AI people portray philosophy, for example, as a failed project, and describe the social sciences as intellectually sterile.” By acknowledging and addressing these complexities, AI can evolve to better meet real-world needs.

Establishing a Critical Technical Practice

Agre calls for the establishment of a critical technical practice that balances innovation with reflection. He explains, “Faced with a technical proposal whose substantive claims about human nature seem mistaken, the first step is to figure out what deleterious consequences those mistakes should have in practice.” This approach encourages researchers to rigorously test their assumptions and consider the broader implications of their work.

It is easier said than done. I am not a researcher, and it must be a great pain to consider the further implications of something when it works as well as today’s LLMs. History proves that no one ever questions something if it works, at least for a period (usually a bloody period).

What about modern humans, though? Thinking about ethics is old, but modern people are not all talk and no action. Thanks to our modern tech, we can cooperate much better than our ancestors used to. We can regulate and shape the AI that we create.

What I do is just create noise by saying we should consider what kind of monster we are creating. But being on the right side of history is important. A broad movement on AI ethics may be possible in the near future. Right now, all we can do is manage our own actions responsibly.


Philip E. Agre’s paper is a compelling call to action for the AI community. By embracing interdisciplinary engagement and critical reflection, AI researchers can create more ethical and effective technologies. Agre’s vision is one where innovation and critique go hand in hand, leading to a more thoughtful and impactful AI field.

In Agre’s words, “The constructive path is much harder to follow, but more rewarding. Its essence is to evaluate a research project not by its correspondence to one’s own substantive beliefs but by the rigor and insight with which it struggles against the patterns of difficulty that are inherent in its design.” By following this path, AI can truly fulfill its potential as a transformative force for good.

For more insights, check our CRO's blog page for the full article:


Agre, Philip E. “Toward a Critical Technical Practice: Lessons Learned in Trying to Reform AI.” In Geof Bowker, Les Gasser, Leigh Star, and Bill Turner, eds, Bridging the Great Divide: Social Science, Technical Systems, and Cooperative Work, Erlbaum, 1997.

Agre, Philip E. “The dynamic structure of everyday life.” PhD dissertation, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, MIT, 1988.

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Novus Newsletter: AI Highlights - July 2024

July 2024 Newsletter: AI insights from the G7 summit, China’s AI race, innovative AI in Olympics, and updates on Novus activities.

July 31, 2024
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Hey there!

Duru here from Novus, thrilled to bring you the highlights from our July AI newsletters. As the summer heat intensifies, so does the pace of innovation and debate in the artificial intelligence sector.

Each newsletter this month has been packed with the most compelling AI news and insightful developments. Below, I've summarized the key stories and updates from July 2024 to keep you informed and engaged.

If you're keen to stay ahead in the AI field, consider subscribing to our bi-weekly newsletter for the latest updates and exclusive insights directly to your inbox.

Now, let's jump in!


Pope's AI Caution at the G7 Summit

Pope Francis, speaking at the G7 summit in Italy, warned of the risks AI poses to human dignity and control. He stressed that machines should not make life-altering decisions and highlighted the potential inequalities AI could exacerbate globally.

Key Point: The Pope advocates for strict human oversight of AI to protect human dignity and ensure equitable development.

Further Reading: Pope's G7 Summit Speech

Wait, so China has the best AI now?

At the World AI Conference, SenseTime claimed its new AI model, SenseNova 5.5, surpasses OpenAI's GPT-4 in multiple benchmarks. This development raises concerns about AI leadership amid restricted access to AI technologies in certain countries.

Key Point: SenseNova 5.5's reported superiority ignites discussions on global AI leadership and the importance of independent benchmarking.

Further Reading: SenseTime's SenseNova 5.5

Most Cost-Efficient Small Model

OpenAI has released ChatGPT 4-o mini, a more cost-effective AI model that is especially useful for rapid response applications. This model combines lower cost with high efficiency, making advanced AI more accessible.

Key Point: ChatGPT 4-o mini is a breakthrough in making AI technologies more affordable and accessible.

Further Reading: ChatGPT 4-o Mini Release

From Stopwatch to High Tech at the Olympics

Omega's Swiss Timing is using AI to revolutionize how athletic performances are timed and analyzed at the Olympics, employing technologies like body-imaging cameras and data-driven predictions.

Key Point: AI integration by Swiss Timing represents a significant technological advance in sports, enhancing both accuracy and fairness.

Further Reading: AI and the Olympics

Novus Updates

Novus Continues to Shine on TRAI Startup Map

Novus proudly retains its position on the TRAI Startup Map, highlighted as one of the 350 most innovative AI startups in Turkey. This recognition underscores our ongoing contributions to the vibrant AI landscape in Turkey and our commitment to maintaining a prominent presence on the global AI stage.


Egehan's Insightful Interview in Marketing Türkiye

Novus in the Spotlight

Our CEO, Egehan, was featured in Marketing Türkiye, sharing insights on the future of AI and its integration into everyday life. The discussion touched on essential topics like the importance of data, the role of GPUs in AI development, the convergence of AI and robotics, and the impact of AI on the media sector.

Key Points from the Interview:

  • Understanding AI's Capacity: Egehan clarified the terms we use to describe the levels of AI capacity. Together with OpenAI's framework of 5 Levels Of 'Super AI', it's now easier to understand the vast potential and capacity of AI development.

Educational Insights from Duru’s AI Learning Journey

What “Slop” Means in AI-Generated Content

In exploring the term 'slop,' I've delved into the challenges of AI-generated content that often ends up being low-quality or spammy. This trend is prevalent across blogs, social media, and search engines, diluting the uniqueness of digital spaces. To combat this, I emphasize the importance of tagging AI-generated content and maintaining a balance between AI assistance and personal creativity in content creation.

The Moon Through AI Lenses

Reflecting on the nature of photography in the age of AI, I've pondered the essence of capturing moments authentically versus AI-generated interpretations. Modern AI-powered phones boast of capturing perfect moon photos by artificially enhancing details, which, while impressive, raises concerns about the true artistry of photography. This technology challenges the traditional role of artists, questioning the future of artistic authenticity in a technologically advanced world.

These insights form a part of my ongoing journey to understand and critique the intersection of AI with creative expression and content authenticity.

Looking Forward

As we continue to navigate the evolving landscape of AI, we eagerly anticipate sharing more news and insights. Stay connected for upcoming updates, and thank you for being an integral part of our journey at Novus.

If you haven't yet, be sure to subscribe to our newsletter to receive the latest updates and exclusive insights directly to your inbox.

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AI Academy

AI in Agriculture: Maximizing Yields with Precision Farming

AI is set to change the face of agriculture ability to provide insights on crop growth, and optimizing resource use.

July 29, 2024
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The integration of AI in agriculture is revolutionizing the way farming is conducted. By leveraging AI, farmers can maximize yields, optimize resource use, and enhance sustainability through precision farming techniques. In recent years, the development of sophisticated algorithms, machine learning, and real-time data analysis has enabled farmers to make data-driven decisions.

Precision Farming

Precision farming, also known as precision agriculture, is an innovative farming management concept that uses AI and other advanced technologies to monitor and optimize agricultural practices. The goal is to ensure that crops and soil receive exactly what they need for optimal health and productivity, thereby maximizing yields and minimizing waste.

  1. Data Collection and Analysis: AI systems collect data from various sources such as satellite imagery, drones, soil sensors, and weather stations. This data is then analyzed to provide insights into crop health, soil conditions, weather patterns, and pest activity.
  2. Variable Rate Technology (VRT): VRT allows farmers to apply inputs like fertilizers, pesticides, and water at variable rates across a field. AI algorithms determine the precise amount needed in different areas, ensuring efficient use of resources and reducing environmental impact.
  3. Automated Machinery: AI-powered machinery, such as autonomous tractors and harvesters, can perform tasks with high precision. These machines are equipped with sensors and cameras that enable them to navigate fields, plant seeds, and harvest crops with minimal human intervention.

Enhancing Crop Management

AI is transforming crop management by providing farmers with detailed insights and recommendations to improve crop health and productivity. This section highlights some key applications of AI in agriculture for crop management.

  1. Crop Monitoring: AI-powered drones and satellite imagery provide real-time monitoring of crops. By analyzing images, AI can detect signs of stress, disease, or nutrient deficiency early on, allowing farmers to take corrective action promptly.
  2. Predictive Analytics: AI models can predict crop yields based on historical data, weather forecasts, and current crop conditions. This helps farmers make informed decisions about planting, irrigation, and harvesting to maximize productivity.
  3. Pest and Disease Control: AI can identify pests and diseases by analyzing images of crops. Machine learning algorithms can recognize patterns and symptoms, enabling early detection and targeted treatment. This reduces the need for broad-spectrum pesticides and minimizes crop damage.

Optimizing Resource Use

Efficient use of resources is crucial for sustainable agriculture. AI in agriculture plays a significant role in optimizing the use of water, fertilizers, and other inputs, leading to cost savings and environmental benefits.

AI technologies such as machine learning, computer vision, and big data analytics help farmers make data-driven decisions. With precision agriculture techniques, sensors placed on crops or drones can collect real-time data on soil moisture levels, weather patterns, or crop health.

  1. Irrigation Management: AI systems analyze soil moisture data, weather forecasts, and crop water needs to create precise irrigation schedules. This ensures that crops receive the right amount of water at the right time, reducing water wastage and improving crop health.
  2. Fertilizer Application: AI determines the optimal amount and timing of fertilizer application based on soil nutrient levels and crop requirements. Variable rate technology allows for precise application, reducing fertilizer use and minimizing runoff into water bodies.
  3. Resource Allocation: AI helps farmers allocate resources more efficiently by analyzing data on field conditions, crop needs, and market trends. This enables better planning and reduces the risk of overuse or underuse of resources.

Future Prospects and Challenges

The future of AI in agriculture looks promising, with continuous advancements in technology and increasing adoption by farmers. However, several challenges need to be addressed to fully realize the potential of AI in this field. One significant challenge is the lack of access to high-quality and standardized data. The wide variety of crops, farming practices, and geographic regions make it difficult to collect and analyze data in a way that can be easily applied across the board.

Additionally, some farmers may be reluctant to share their data due to privacy concerns or a fear of losing control over their operations. Overcoming these obstacles will be crucial to achieving the full potential of AI in agriculture.

  1. Data Quality and Integration: The effectiveness of AI depends on the quality and integration of data from various sources. Ensuring accurate and comprehensive data collection is essential for training AI models and deriving meaningful insights.
  2. Accessibility and Affordability: While large-scale farmers may easily adopt AI technologies, small-scale farmers may face challenges due to high costs and lack of technical expertise. Making AI solutions accessible and affordable for all farmers is crucial for widespread adoption.
  3. Regulatory and Ethical Considerations: The deployment of AI in agriculture must comply with regulatory standards and ethical guidelines. Ensuring transparency, accountability, and fairness in AI decision-making processes is important for gaining public trust and regulatory approval.
  4. Skill Development: The implementation of AI requires a workforce with specialized skills in data science, machine learning, and agricultural practices. Addressing the skill gaps through education and training programs is vital for the successful adoption of AI.
  5. Scalability: AI technology in agriculture should be scalable to meet the demands of large-scale agricultural operations and smaller-scale farmers. Solutions that can be easily tailored to fit the specific needs of various farming systems and sizes will encourage widespread adoption.

Sum Up of AI in Agriculture

In conclusion, AI is set to revolutionize agriculture by enhancing precision farming practices, optimizing resource use, and improving crop management. While there are challenges to overcome, the benefits of AI in terms of increased yields, cost savings, and sustainability are undeniable. As technology continues to evolve, AI will play an increasingly important role in shaping the future of agriculture.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What are some examples of how AI can improve agriculture productivity?

AI can help farmers make better decisions by providing insights on crop growth, pest and disease prediction, and optimizing resource use.

2. What are the potential ethical concerns regarding AI in agriculture?

Some ethical concerns include the unintended consequences of AI decision-making, the implications of widespread adoption of AI on small-scale farmers, and the use of farmer data for commercial purposes.

3. Are small-scale farmers able to adopt AI technology in agriculture?

Yes, AI technology can be adapted to fit the specific needs of small-scale farmers. There are also initiatives and programs aimed at making AI solutions accessible and affordable for all farmers.

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Novus Featured in Marketing Türkiye: CEO Rıza Egehan Asad Discusses the Future of AI

In Marketing Türkiye, Novus CEO Rıza Egehan Asad discusses AI's future, data, GPU competition and AI-robotics integration.

July 29, 2024
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“We have a system where artificial intelligence works with artificial intelligence, not one that integrates with artificial intelligence.” This distinction is crucial for every VC, founder, and enterprise to understand.

In the latest issue of Marketing Türkiye, our CEO, Rıza Egehan Asad, provides an insightful interview about the current state of artificial intelligence and what the future holds for humanity as we increasingly integrate with AI.

In the interview with Alp Hazar Büyükçulhacı, they discussed several key topics:

  • The importance of data in developing artificial intelligence models.
  • The critical role of GPU power and the competition in this field.
  • The merging of artificial intelligence and robotics.
  • The impact of artificial intelligence on the media industry.

Also, this issue of Marketing Türkiye also features some familiar faces from our team.

We are proud to be part of this publication and excited to share our insights on AI's evolving landscape. Be sure to check out the new issue of Marketing Türkiye to read the full interview and gain a deeper understanding of how AI is shaping our world.

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Novus Voices

LLM Benchmarking: Understanding the Landscape and Limitations

LLM benchmarking evaluates large language models. Novus combines benchmarks and human testing for effective, ethical AI models.

July 3, 2024
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In the field of artificial intelligence, Large Language Models (LLMs) have become increasingly prevalent and powerful. As organizations and developers seek to harness the potential of these models, the need for reliable methods to evaluate and compare their performance has never been more critical. This is where LLM benchmarking comes into play.

What are LLM Benchmarks?

LLM benchmarks are standardized performance tests designed to evaluate various capabilities of AI language models. Typically, a benchmark consists of a dataset, a collection of tasks or questions, and a scoring mechanism. After evaluation, models are usually awarded a score from 0 to 100, providing an objective indication of their performance.

The Importance of Benchmarking

Benchmarks serve several crucial purposes in the AI community:

  • Objective Comparison: They provide a common ground for comparing different models, helping organizations and users select the best model for their specific needs.
  •  Performance Insight: Benchmarks reveal where a model excels and where it falls short, guiding developers in making necessary improvements.
  • Advancement of the Field: The transparency fostered by well-constructed benchmarks allows researchers and developers to build upon each other's progress, accelerating the overall advancement of language models.

Popular LLM Benchmarks

Several benchmarks have emerged as standards in the field. Here's a brief overview of some key players:

1. ARC (AI2 Reasoning Challenge): Tests knowledge and reasoning skills through multiple-choice science questions.

2. HellaSwag: Evaluates commonsense reasoning and natural language inference through sentence completion exercises.

3. MMLU (Massive Multitask Language Understanding): Assesses a broad range of subjects at various difficulty levels.

4. TruthfulQA: Measures a model's ability to generate truthful answers and avoid hallucinations.

5. WinoGrande: Evaluates commonsense reasoning abilities through pronoun resolution problems.

6. GSM8K: Tests multi-step mathematical reasoning abilities.

7. SuperGLUE: A collection of diverse tasks assessing natural language understanding capabilities.

8. HumanEval: Measures a model's ability to generate functionally correct code.

9. MT Bench: Evaluates a model's capability to engage in multi-turn dialogues effectively.

Limitations of Existing Benchmarks

While benchmarks provide valuable insights, they are not without their limitations. Understanding these constraints is crucial for interpreting benchmark results accurately:

1. Influence of Prompts: Performance can be sensitive to specific prompts, potentially masking a model's true capabilities.

2. Construct Validity: Establishing acceptable answers for diverse use cases is challenging due to the broad spectrum of tasks involved.

3. Limited Scope: Most benchmarks evaluate specific tasks or capabilities, which may not fully represent a model's overall performance or future skills.

4. Insufficient Standardization: Lack of standardization leads to inconsistencies in benchmark results across different evaluations.

5. Human Evaluation Challenges: Tasks requiring subjective judgment often rely on human evaluations, which can be time-consuming, expensive, and potentially inconsistent.

6. Benchmark Leakage: There's a risk of models being trained on benchmark data, leading to artificially inflated scores that don't reflect true capabilities.

7. Real-World Application Gap: Benchmark performance may not accurately predict how a model will perform in unpredictable, real-world scenarios.

8. Specialization Limitations: Most benchmarks use general knowledge datasets, making it difficult to assess performance in specialized domains.

The Future of LLM Benchmarking

As the field of AI continues to advance, so too must our methods of evaluation. Future benchmarks will likely need to address current limitations by:

  • Developing more comprehensive and diverse datasets,
  • Creating tasks that better simulate real-world applications,
  • Incorporating ethical considerations into evaluations,
  • Improving standardization across the field,
  • Exploring ways to assess specialized domain knowledge.

LLM Benchmarks at Novus

LLM benchmarks play a crucial role in advancing our field of artificial intelligence by providing objective measures of model performance. However, at Novus, we understand the importance of approaching benchmark results with a critical eye, recognizing both their value and limitations.

We ensure that all of our models are extensively evaluated on a variety of benchmarks, including different in-house assessments. This comprehensive approach allows us to gain a nuanced understanding of our models' capabilities. Importantly, we don't stop at traditional performance metrics. We also place a strong emphasis on evaluating the safety and alignment of these models, recognizing the ethical implications of deploying powerful AI systems.

While we believe that benchmarks provide valuable insights, we know they don't tell the whole story when it comes to determining the quality of these models. That's why we complement our benchmark evaluations with extensive human testing. This hands-on approach ensures that we can assess the real-world applications and practical usefulness of our models.

As we continue to push the boundaries of what's possible with language models at Novus, we're committed to evolving our evaluation methods in tandem. 

Our goal is to develop and refine assessment techniques that allow us to accurately gauge and harness the full potential of these powerful tools, always keeping in mind their practical impact and ethical considerations.

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Novus Newsletter: AI Highlights - June 2024

June 2024 Newsletter: AI updates, including Safe Superintelligence Inc., Google AI critiques, and Novus at global tech events.

June 30, 2024
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Hey there!

Duru here from Novus, excited to bring you the highlights from our June AI newsletters. As summer unfolds, the world of artificial intelligence continues to captivate with groundbreaking developments and pivotal discussions on the ethical integration of AI in our daily lives.

In each newsletter, I find the most interesting AI news for you and of course keep you up to date with the latest insights and developments. Here, I have compiled the key stories and updates from June 2024 to keep you informed and engaged.

If you want to stay more up-to-date with what's happening in the AI field, you can subscribe to our bi-weekly newsletter. You will receive the latest updates and exclusive insights directly to your inbox.

Now, let's jump in!


Launching Safe Superintelligence Inc.

Ilya Sutskever has initiated Safe Superintelligence Inc., focusing on creating AI that surpasses human intelligence but is safe for human coexistence. This company emphasizes ethical AI development to prevent potential future risks.

Key Point: Sutskever advocates for AI that not only enhances human capabilities but also prioritizes safety and ethical considerations.

Further Reading: Safe Superintelligence Inc.

Claude 3.5 Sonnet: A New Benchmark

Anthropic has introduced Claude 3.5 Sonnet, a language model surpassing previous iterations in speed and intelligence, aimed at enhancing how we interact with and utilize AI.

Key Point: Claude 3.5 Sonnet promises groundbreaking improvements in language processing, setting a new standard for AI capabilities.

Further Reading: Claude 3.5 Sonnet Release

Google AI Reviews: Comedy or Concern?

The AI Review feature by Google aimed to simplify search results but ended up providing humor due to its inaccurate summaries, highlighting the current limits of AI in understanding complex human queries.

Key Point: This feature's mishaps underscore the challenges in deploying AI that accurately interprets and summarizes diverse data types.

Further Reading: Google AI Reviews

Celebrity and AI: The Scarlett Johansson Controversy

Recent developments in AI voice technology have sparked discussions about ethical implications, highlighted by Scarlett Johansson's concerns over the unauthorized use of her voice likeness in AI applications.

Key Point: Johansson's case raises important questions about consent and the ethical use of celebrity likenesses in AI.

Further Reading: Scarlett Johansson AI Voice Controversy

Apple's Subtle AI Integration Strategy

Apple continues to integrate AI into its existing product lineup, focusing on enhancing functionality without overwhelming users with new technologies, aligning with practical and user-friendly AI applications.

Key Point: Apple's strategy focuses on improving user experience through subtle, yet effective AI enhancements rather than flashy new AI products.

Further Reading: Apple's AI Strategy

Novus Uptades

Our Ceo, Egehan at Bridgevent

Vorga's Paris Journey

During Viva Technology in Paris, our CRO, Vorga, showcased Novus' latest AI innovations. This event provided a platform for networking with industry leaders and highlighted our commitment to pushing the boundaries of AI technology. Additionally, Vorga represented Novus at La French Tech event, where he demonstrated our cutting-edge solutions to an enthusiastic French tech audience.

Overcoming Barriers: Fundraising Processes

At the Bridgevent organized by Inveo Ventures, our CEO, Egehan, participated in a panel discussing the intricacies of fundraising in the tech sector. Insights were shared on overcoming challenges and strategizing effectively to secure funding, highlighting Novus' proactive approach in navigating the complex investment landscape.

Artificial Intelligence, Data Science, and Sustainability

Our commitment to sustainability was underlined at a community gathering with MAP360, where our CRO, Vorga, discussed the intersection of AI, data science, and environmental sustainability. This conversation explored how AI can be leveraged to foster sustainable practices and mitigate environmental impacts, reinforcing our dedication to responsible AI development.

Our CRO, Vorga at MAP360 Community Gathering Event

Educational Insights from Duru’s AI Learning Journey

And I started to write a new section called Duru’s AI Learning Journey where  I share my review on a piece of content about AI that I have read or watched in that week.

Reflecting on AI in Marketing

In this segment, I delved into an article discussing AI's evolving role in marketing. The article emphasized the cost-saving potential of AI but missed the critical element of human connection. I argued for a balanced approach where AI enhances our ability to engage genuinely with customers, rather than replacing the human touch.

The Article: How AI will reinvent Marketing

Mind-Controlled Gaming

I also explored the fascinating world of mind-controlled gaming through a YouTube video featuring a streamer who plays games using only their thoughts. This review highlighted how AI and brain-computer interfaces can transform our interaction with digital worlds, making gaming more inclusive and futuristic by translating mental commands into in-game actions.

The Youtube Video: I Made a Mind-Controlled Game Controller

Looking Forward

We eagerly anticipate sharing more news and insights as we continue exploring the dynamic field of AI. Stay connected for more updates, and thank you for being an integral part of our journey at Novus.

Subscribe to our newsletter.

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Novus Participates in Sustainability Discussions at MAP360's ‘’Community Gathering’’ Event

At MAP360's event, Novus' CRO discussed AI, data science, and sustainability, highlighting AI's future and startups' efficiency.

June 12, 2024
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We had the pleasure of attending the "Community Gathering" event organized by our sustainability partner, MAP360.

The event featured a series of enlightening panels, with our CRO, Vorga Can, having the honor of participating in the first panel titled “Artificial Intelligence, Data Science, and Sustainability,” moderated by Özgün İnceoğlu, CEO of MAP360. Alongside Ömer Kavlakoğlu, Business Development Manager at Evreka, Vorga shared insights on the future of artificial intelligence, the essential role of digitalization in sustainability, and the efficiency advantages that startups hold over larger companies.

We thoroughly enjoyed meeting sustainability leaders from various sectors, exchanging ideas, and listening to their inspiring stories throughout the event. The discussions underscored the importance of collaboration and innovation in driving sustainable practices forward.

A heartfelt thank you to the MAP360 team for organizing such an enjoyable and informative event and for inviting us. Meeting people who are also dedicated to sustainability was truly rewarding.

We are also very excited to announce our upcoming sustainability projects with MAP360 in the near future.

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Novus at La French Tech Istanbul's First Event in Izmir

Novus attended La French Tech in Izmir, where CRO Vorga Can presented our AI solutions and met French Ambassador H.E. Ms. Dumont.

June 7, 2024
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La French Tech events are always very valuable for us.

This time, we were excited to attend La French Tech Istanbul's first event in Izmir.

As one of the three startups presenting at the event, our CRO, Vorga Can, had the honor of sharing the stage with Bora Çitiloğlu from TEB. Vorga delivered an insightful presentation about Novus, highlighting our innovative AI solutions and the impact we're making in the industry.

French Ambassador H.E. Ms. Isabelle Dumont.

Vorga Can also had the unique opportunity to meet H.E. Ms. Isabelle Dumont, Ambassador of France to Turkey, who gave the opening speech of the event. Their conversation was a highlight, reflecting the importance of international collaboration in the tech sector.

The event was a great success, providing a platform to connect with other startups, industry leaders, and innovators. We thoroughly enjoyed the discussions and networking opportunities that arose throughout the day.

We would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to the La French Tech Istanbul team, including Ömer Hantal, Murat Peksavaş, and Eren Arasan, for their hard work and dedication in organizing this event. Their efforts made it a memorable and impactful experience.

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Novus CEO Rıza Egehan Asad Speaks at "Overcoming Barriers: Fundraising Processes" Panel

Novus' CEO shares insights on fundraising at the "Overcoming Barriers: Fundraising Processes" panel, organized by Inveo Ventures.

June 6, 2024
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Our CEO, Rıza Egehan Asad, had an engaging conversation yesterday at the "Overcoming Barriers: Fundraising Processes" panel. The panel was moderated by Anıl Yıldırım and featured insights from Murat Hacioglu, CEO & CRO of B2Metric, and Emre Öget, Partner & COO of, upon the invitation of our investor, Inveo Ventures.

During his speech, Rıza Egehan Asad shared valuable insights into the investment processes at Novus, discussing the strategies we employ as a growing startup to secure funding and overcome financial challenges. He highlighted the importance of building strong relationships with investors, maintaining transparency, and continuously innovating to attract and retain investor interest.

The panel provided a platform for exchanging ideas and experiences on fundraising, offering attendees a deeper understanding of the intricacies involved in securing investment for startups. The discussions emphasized the significance of adaptability and resilience in navigating the fundraising landscape.

We would like to extend our sincere thanks to the Inveo Ventures team, especially Haluk Nişli and Onur Topaç, for organizing this excellent event and for their invitation.

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