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AI Dictionary

Natural Language Understanding: All About The Model

This article shows how NLU improves AI by enhancing customer service, data analysis, and user interactions.

March 19, 2024
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Language is a powerful tool that shares ideas and feelings, connecting people deeply. However, computers, despite their intelligence, struggle to understand human language in the same way. They cannot naturally learn or grasp human expressions.

Imagine computers that could not only process data but also comprehend thoughts and feelings. This is the promise of Natural Language Understanding (NLU) in the world of computing. NLU aims to teach computers not just to understand spoken words but also to grasp the emotions behind them.

This article covers how NLU works, its importance, and its applications. Additionally, it explains how NLU differs from other language technologies like Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Natural Language Generation (NLG). However, before diving into these topics, it is important to briefly understand what NLU is.

Natural Language Understanding: What is NLU?

Natural Language Understanding or NLU is a technology that helps computers understand and interpret human language. It looks at things like how sentences are put together, what words mean, and the overall context.

With NLU, computers can pick out important details from what people say or write, like names or feelings. NLU bridges the gap between human communication and artificial intelligence, enhancing how we interact with technology.

How Does NLU Work?

NLU works like a magic recipe, using fancy math and language rules to understand tricky language stuff. It does things like figuring out how sentences are put together (syntax), understanding what words mean (semantics), and getting the bigger picture (context).

With NLU, computers can spot things like names, connections between words, and how people feel from what they say or write. It's like a high-tech dance that helps machines find the juicy bits of meaning in what we say or type.

You may have a general idea of how NLUs work, but let's take a closer look to understand it better.

  • Breaking Down Sentences: NLU looks at sentences and figures out how they're put together, like where the words go and what job each word does.
  • Understanding Meanings: It tries to understand what the words and sentences mean, not just the literal meanings, but what people are really trying to say.
  • Considering Context: NLU looks at the bigger picture, like what's happening around the words used, to understand them better.
  • Spotting Names and Things: It looks for specific things mentioned, like names of people, places, or important dates.
  • Figuring Out Relationships: NLU tries to see how different things mentioned in the text are connected.
  • Feeling the Tone: It tries to figure out if the language used is positive, negative, or neutral, so it knows how the person is feeling.

Why is NLU Important?

NLU is crucial because it makes talking to computers easier and more helpful. When computers can understand how you talk naturally, it opens up a ton of cool stuff you can do with them.

You can make tasks smoother, get things done faster, and make the whole experience of using computers way more about what you want and need. So basically, NLU makes your relationship with computers way better by making them understand us better.

So why is this so important for using NLU?

Natural Language Understanding Applications

NLU is everywhere!

It's not just about understanding language; it's about making our lives easier in different areas. Think about it: from collecting information to helping us with customer service, chatbots, and virtual assistants, NLU is involved in a lot of things we do online.

These tools don't just answer questions - they also get better at helping us over time. They learn from how we interact with them, so they can give us even better and more personalized help in the future.

Here are the main places we use NLU;

  • Data capture systems
  • Customer support platforms
  • Chatbots
  • Virtual assistants (Siri, Alexa, Google Assistant)

Of course, the usage of NLU is not limited to just these.

Let's take a closer look at the various applications of NLU;

  • Sentiment analysis: NLU can analyze text to determine the sentiment expressed, helping businesses gauge public opinion about their products or services.
  • Information retrieval: NLU enables search engines to understand user queries and retrieve relevant information from vast amounts of text data.
  • Language translation: NLU technology is used in language translation services to accurately translate text from one language to another.
  • Text summarization: NLU algorithms can automatically summarize large bodies of text, making it easier for users to extract key information.
  • Personalized recommendations: NLU helps analyze user preferences and behavior to provide personalized recommendations in content streaming platforms, e-commerce websites, and more.
  • Content moderation: NLU is used to automatically detect and filter inappropriate or harmful content on social media platforms, forums, and other online communities.
  • Voice assistants: NLU powers voice-enabled assistants like Siri, Alexa, and Google Assistant, enabling users to interact with devices using natural language commands.
  • Customer service automation: NLU powers chatbots and virtual assistants that can interact with customers, answer questions, and resolve issues automatically

NLU vs. NLP vs. NLG

In the realm of language and technology, terms like NLU, NLP, and NLG often get thrown around, sometimes confusing.

While they all deal with language, each serves a distinct purpose.

Let's untangle the web and understand the unique role each one plays.

We've talked a lot about NLU models, but let's summarize;

  • Natural Language Understanding (NLU) focuses on teaching computers to grasp and interpret human language. It's like helping them to understand what we say or write, including the meanings behind our words, the structure of sentences, and the context in which they're used.

And we can also take a closer look at the other two terms:

  • Natural Language Processing (NLP) encompasses a broader set of tools and techniques for working with language. These are language tasks including translation, sentiment analysis, text summarization, and more.
  • Natural Language Generation (NLG) flips the script by focusing on making computers write or speak like humans. It's about taking data and instructions from the computer and teaching it to transform them into sentences or speech that sound natural and understandable.

In summary, NLU focuses on understanding language, NLP encompasses various language processing tasks, and NLG is concerned with generating human-like language output. Each plays a distinct role in natural language processing applications.

To Sum Up…

Natural Language Understanding (NLU) serves as a bridge between humans and machines, helping computers understand and reply to human language well. NLU is used in many areas, from customer service to virtual assistants, making our lives easier in different ways.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What are some application areas of Natural Language Understanding (NLU)?

Natural Language Understanding (NLU) is a technology that helps computers understand human language better. NLU makes it easier for us to interact with technology and access information effectively.

It's used in customer service, sentiment analysis, search engines, language translation, content moderation, voice assistants, personalized recommendations, and text summarization.

How does NLU improve customer service?

NLU improves customer service by enabling chatbots and virtual assistants to understand and respond accurately to customer inquiries, providing personalized and efficient assistance, which enhances overall customer satisfaction.

What are the key differences between NLU, NLP, and NLG?

Natural Language Understanding (NLU) focuses on helping computers understand human language, including syntax, semantics, context, and emotions expressed.

Natural Language Processing (NLP) includes a wider range of language tasks such as translation, sentiment analysis, text summarization, and more.

Natural Language Generation (NLG) involves teaching computers to generate human-like language outpu, and translating data or instructions into understandable sentences or speech.

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Novus in Marketing Türkiye's March Issue

CRO Vorga Can discusses AI's impact, marketing's future, and job transformation.

March 18, 2024
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Novus is featured in the March issue of Marketing Türkiye magazine!

Novus CRO, Vorga Can, shares insights on how artificial intelligence is impacting industries and what future developments to expect in the latest issue of Marketing Türkiye.

Vorga Can's Interview Highlights:

  • Understanding AI in Marketing: ’’When we consider marketing as the process of understanding customer needs and crafting the right messages to meet those needs, AI becomes a critical tool. Many startups and companies are already vying for a share of this market. Initially led by machine learning, this field has evolved into models that truly embody the essence of AI.’’
  • AI and Creative Agencies: ’’I believe that agencies combining AI models with their marketing expertise have a significant advantage. Creative know-how isn't going anywhere; it just needs to meet automation, much like the industrial revolution.’’
  • Sector Transformations: ’’Significant changes are occurring in subsectors that actively use machine learning and AI. Engineers who understand AI but lack coding skills continue to face challenges. Similarly, those who rely solely on coding without embracing AI advancements aren't likely to have a bright future. This trend applies to various departments, including sales, marketing, operations, and HR. We're moving into a hybrid era where not adapting to these tools means facing a challenging future, especially in the tech industry.’’
  • Advancements in Semantic Analysis: ’’In our domain of semantic analysis, new research is published daily. Applications like ChatGPT, Midjourney, and Pika have created significant impacts in text, visual, and video content areas. Our focus areas, such as AI agents and agent orchestration, are gaining popularity. We're moving beyond simply interacting with an agent like ChatGPT. We've surpassed the threshold where different AI agents can understand visuals, communicate with each other, and work together to produce reports and content as a team. The next step is to make this widespread.’’
  • Automation and Job Transformation: ’’Many sectors, jobs, and operations will soon be fully automated and human-free. Likewise, many job sectors will transform, and new ones will emerge. The industrial revolution created more professions than it eliminated, most of which were unimaginable before the revolution.’’
  • Embracing AI: ’’While we're far from a world where all operations are fully automated, it's crucial to accept AI as an ally. It’s important not to feel left behind and to adapt to the industry. I compare AI to the advent of electricity. Just as we no longer use brooms with wooden handles to clean our homes, we won’t conduct marketing activities relying solely on human effort.’’

This feature in Marketing Türkiye highlights our commitment to advancing AI technology and its applications. We are excited to share our journey and vision with the readers of Marketing Türkiye and look forward to continuing to lead the way in AI innovation.

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AI Academy

Deep Learning vs. Machine Learning: The Crucial Role of Data

Deep learning vs. machine learning: How data quality and volume drive AI’s predictions, efficiency, and innovation.

March 14, 2024
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Artificial Intelligence, a transformative force in technology and society, is fundamentally powered by data. This crucial resource fuels the algorithms behind both deep learning and machine learning, driving advancements and shaping AI's capabilities. 

Data's role is paramount, serving as the lifeblood for deep learning's complex neural networks and enabling machine learning to identify patterns and make predictions. The distinction between deep learning vs. machine learning underscores the importance of data quality and volume in crafting intelligent systems that learn, decide, and evolve, marking data as the cornerstone of AI's future.

Deep Learning vs. Machine Learning: Understanding the Data Dynamics

Deep learning vs. machine learning stride through artificial intelligence as both allies and adversaries. They clutch data like a dual-edged sword, ready to parry and thrust in their intricate dance of progress.

Deep learning, a subset of machine learning, dives into constructing complex neural networks that mimic the human brain's ability to learn from vast amounts of data. 

Machine learning, the broader discipline, employs algorithms to parse data, learn from it, and make decisions with minimal human guidance. The dance between them illustrates a nuanced interplay, where the volume and quality of data dictate the rhythm.

The effectiveness of these AI giants is deeply rooted in data dynamics. Deep learning thrives on extensive datasets, using them to fuel its intricate models, while machine learning can often operate on less, yet still demands high-quality data to function optimally. This distinction highlights the pivotal role of data:

  • Data Volume: Deep learning requires massive datasets to perform well, whereas machine learning can work with smaller datasets.
  • Data Quality: High-quality, well-labeled data is crucial for both, but deep learning is particularly sensitive to data quality, given its complexity.
  • Learning Complexity: Deep learning excels in handling unstructured data, like images and speech; machine learning prefers structured data.

Instances of data-driven success in both realms underscore the tangible impact of this relationship. For example, deep learning has revolutionized image recognition, learning from millions of images to identify objects with astounding accuracy. Meanwhile, machine learning has transformed customer service through chatbots trained on thousands of interaction logs, offering personalized assistance without human intervention.

Understanding "deep learning vs. machine learning" is not just about distinguishing these technologies but recognizing how their core—data—shapes their evolution and application, driving AI towards new frontiers of possibility.

Mastering Data Quality: The Heartbeat of AI Success

High-quality data stands as the cornerstone of AI success, underpinning the achievements of both deep learning and machine learning. This quality is not merely about accuracy but encompasses completeness, consistency, relevance, and timeliness, ensuring that AI systems are trained on data that mirrors the complexity and diversity of real-world scenarios. For AI initiatives, especially in the realms of deep learning vs. machine learning, the caliber of data can dramatically influence the efficiency and effectiveness of the algorithms.

Enhancing the quality of data involves a meticulous blend of techniques:

  • Preprocessing: Cleaning data to remove inaccuracies and inconsistencies, ensuring algorithms have a solid foundation for learning.
  • Augmentation: Expanding datasets through techniques like image rotation or text synthesis to introduce variety, crucial for deep learning models to generalize well.
  • Normalization: Scaling data to a specific range to prevent biases towards certain features, a step that maintains the integrity of machine learning models.

These strategies are pivotal for navigating the challenges of AI development:

  • Cleaning and validating data ensures that models learn from the best possible examples, minimizing the risk of learning from erroneous data.
  • Augmentation not only enriches datasets but also simulates a broader array of scenarios for the AI to learn from, enhancing its ability to perform in diverse conditions.
  • Normalization balances the dataset, giving all features equal importance and preventing skewed learning outcomes.

Through these focused efforts on data quality, both deep learning and machine learning projects can achieve remarkable strides, turning raw data into a refined asset that propels AI towards unprecedented success.

The Art and Challenge of Data Collection

Navigating the vast landscape of data collection for AI projects is both an art and a strategic endeavor, crucial for fueling the engines of deep learning and machine learning. 

The sources of data are as varied as the applications of AI itself, ranging from the vast repositories of the internet, social media interactions, and IoT devices to more structured environments like corporate databases and government archives. Each source offers a unique lens through which AI can learn and interpret the world, underscoring the diversity required to train robust models.

Data should be gathered responsibly and legally, making sure AI's leaps forward don't trample on privacy or skew results unfairly. Striking this sensitive balance calls for a keen eye on several pivotal aspects:

  • Consent: Ensuring data is collected with the informed consent of individuals.
  • Anonymity: Safeguarding personal identity by anonymizing data whenever possible.
  • Bias Prevention: Actively seeking diverse data sources to mitigate biases in AI models.
  • Regulatory Compliance: Adhering to international and local laws governing data privacy and protection.

Illustrating the impact of these practices, innovative data collection methods have led to remarkable AI breakthroughs. For instance, the development of AI-driven healthcare diagnostics has hinged on securely collecting and analyzing patient data across diverse populations, enabling models to accurately predict health outcomes. 

Data Management in AI: A Strategic Overview

The journey from raw data to AI-readiness involves meticulous data annotation, a step where the role of labeling comes into sharp focus. Training AI models, whether in the complex layers of deep learning or the structured realms of machine learning, hinges on accurately labeled datasets. 

The debate between manual and automated annotation techniques reflects a balance between precision and scale—manual labeling, while time-consuming, offers nuanced understanding, whereas automated methods excel in handling vast datasets rapidly, albeit sometimes at the cost of accuracy.

Ensuring the accessibility and integrity of data for AI systems is an ongoing challenge. Strategies to maintain data integrity include rigorous validation processes, regular audits, and adopting standardized formats to prevent data degradation over time. These practices ensure that AI models continue to learn from high-quality, reliable datasets, underpinning their ability to make accurate predictions and decisions.

Adhering to best practices in data management for AI readiness involves:

  • Implementing robust security measures to protect data from unauthorized access and cyber threats.
  • Regularly updating and cleaning data to remove duplicates and correct errors, ensuring models train on current and accurate information.
  • Adopting flexible storage solutions that can scale with the growing demands of AI projects, supporting the intensive data needs of deep learning endeavors.
  • Streamlining the annotation process, balancing between the depth of manual labeling and the breadth of automated techniques, to optimize the training of AI models.

By fostering an environment where data is meticulously curated, stored, and protected, we lay the groundwork for AI systems that are not only intelligent but also resilient, ethical, and aligned with the broader goals of advancing human knowledge and capability.

Embarking on Your Exploration: Why Data Matters in the AI Landscape

The journey from data to decision encapsulates the essence of AI, underscoring the indispensable role of quality data in crafting models that not only perform but also innovate.

The nuanced relationship between deep learning vs. machine learning highlights the diverse demands for data. Deep learning, with its appetite for vast, complex datasets, and machine learning, which can often make do with less yet craves high-quality, well-structured inputs, both underscore the multifaceted nature of data in AI. 

Here are some recommendations to further your knowledge and connect with like-minded individuals:


  • "Deep Learning" by Goodfellow, Bengio, Courville - Essential for technical readers.
  • "The Master Algorithm" by Pedro Domingos - The quest for the ultimate learning algorithm.
  • "Weapons of Math Destruction" by Cathy O'Neil - Examines the dark side of big data and algorithms.


  • Reddit: r/MachineLearning - Discussions on machine learning trends and research.
  • Kaggle - Machine learning competitions and a vibrant data science community.


These resources offer insights into the technical, ethical, and societal implications of AI, enriching your understanding and participation in this evolving field.

The exploration of AI is a journey of endless discovery, where data is the compass that guides us through the complexities of machine intelligence. It's an invitation to become part of a future where AI and data work in harmony, creating solutions that are as innovative as they are ethical. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What are the key differences in data requirements between Deep Learning vs. Machine Learning?

Deep learning typically requires extensive datasets, while machine learning can often operate with smaller amounts of data.

What are some key considerations for responsible data collection in AI projects?

Responsible data collection involves obtaining informed consent, anonymizing personal information, mitigating biases, and complying with privacy regulations.

What are the challenges and benefits of manual versus automated data annotation in AI model training?

Manual annotation offers nuanced understanding but is time-consuming, while automated annotation excels in handling large datasets rapidly, albeit sometimes sacrificing accuracy.

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The Journey of Novus

Novus' journey: pioneering AI for enterprises, showcasing our vision for ASI, milestones, industry use case.

March 4, 2024
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Our Bold Vision

Our journey began with a bold vision: to revolutionize the way enterprises harness the power of artificial intelligence. Founded in 2020 in the innovation hubs of Boston and Istanbul with the support of MIT Sandbox, we set out to engineer AI solutions that empower organizations to unlock the full potential of large language models.

Innovation and Milestones

Our vision is to lead the development of Artificial Superintelligence through an open and collaborative approach, driving global innovation and technological progress. We strive to create an ecosystem where AI technologies are accessible to everyone, independent of institutional or organizational boundaries.

From the outset, our commitment to technological excellence and innovation has driven us to create precise, on-premise AI agents tailored to the unique needs of forward-thinking enterprises. Our solutions are designed to give our clients a competitive edge in an intelligently automated future.

Our journey has been marked by significant milestones. We have showcased our innovations at prestigious events such as CES, Viva Technology, ICLR, and Web Summit, reflecting our dedication to advancing AI and engaging with the global tech community. These achievements highlight our relentless pursuit of excellence and our ability to deliver impactful solutions.

Growth and Future Developments

A crucial part of our growth has been securing significant investment from prominent investors like Inveo Ventures and Startup Wise Guys, which has fueled our innovation and expansion. We are excited to announce that we are currently in the process of securing additional investment to further accelerate our development and reach.

Our mission is to push the boundaries of AI technology daily by developing proprietary large language models (LLMs) and creating versatile AI agents. Our innovative products enable companies to customize and leverage various closed and open-source LLMs to meet their specific needs. We deliver on-premise AI solutions enhanced by bespoke AI agents, ensuring every organization achieves exceptional outcomes with precision-engineered artificial intelligence.

We have successfully implemented AI solutions across various industries, including finance, healthcare, insurance, and agencies. For instance, our AI models help financial institutions enhance risk management, assist healthcare providers in patient data analysis, and support insurance companies in fraud detection. These use cases demonstrate our ability to transform data into strategic assets, driving efficiency and ensuring data privacy.

We are currently working on an innovative new product that will further extend our capabilities and offerings, promising to deliver even more value to our clients.

Collaboration and Core Values

Collaboration is at the heart of our journey. By building strong partnerships, we have developed innovative solutions that address the challenges faced by our clients. Our success is intertwined with the success of our partners and customers, and we are dedicated to growing together.

As we continue to innovate, we remain committed to our core values: technological excellence, relentless innovation, and a vision for an intelligently automated future.

Welcome to Novus – leading the way towards Artificial Superintelligence .

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Novus Newsletter: AI Highlights - February 2024

February's AI developments: Apple Vision Pro, deepfake scam, and NVIDIA’s Chat with RTX. Updates from Novus’s team.

February 29, 2024
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Hey there!

Duru here from Novus, now stepping into my new role as Head of Community! I'm excited to bring you the highlights from our February AI newsletters, all bundled into one engaging blog post.

In our newsletters, we explore the fascinating world of AI, from groundbreaking tools and ethical dilemmas to exciting events and updates from our team. In each edition, I try to spark curiosity and provide valuable insights into how AI is shaping our world.

In this post, I'll be sharing some of the most intriguing stories and updates from February 2024. Think of it as your monthly AI digest, packed with the essential highlights and insights you need to stay informed.

And hey, if you like what you read, why not join our crew of subscribers? You'll get all this and more, straight to your inbox.

Let's jump in!


In our February newsletters, we covered several significant developments in the AI world, from Apple's latest innovation to deepfake technology's increasing risks and ethical dilemmas. Here are the key stories:

Did Apple Change Our Vision Forever?

The launch of Apple Vision Pro was the tech headline of the month, overshadowing nearly all other discussions.

  • Key Point: The Vision Pro promises to enhance multitasking and productivity but raises questions about the impact on user experience and daily life.
  • Further Reading: Apple Vision Pro

When Deepfakes Get Costly: The $25 Million CFO Scam

A chilling example of the dangers of deepfake technology surfaced with a CFO being duped out of $25 million in a video call scam.

  • Key Point: This incident underscores the urgent need for robust regulations and awareness around deepfake technology to prevent such fraud.
  • Further Reading: Deepfake CFO Scam

Hey OpenAI, Are You Trying to Rule the World or Become an Artist?

OpenAI's Sora, a video generator tool, made waves with its astonishingly realistic outputs, sparking debates about AI's role in creative fields.

  • Key Point: Partnering with Shutterstock, OpenAI's Sora showcases videos that bear an uncanny resemblance to human-shot footage. While impressive, AI remains a tool in the hands of artists.
  • Further Reading: Learn more about Sora

Reddit’s $60 Million Data Deal: A Data Dilemma?

Reddit's vast repository of user-generated content has raised eyebrows with its $60 million deal with a major AI company.

  • Key Point: The diversity of Reddit's content raises questions about the quality of data being fed to AI tools. Quality data is the lifeblood of successful AI.
  • Further Reading: Reddit's stance


Fast Company Feature

We were thrilled to be featured in Fast Company's February/March issue, exploring our ambitious goal of achieving Artificial Super Intelligence (ASI) and the innovative strides we're making in the business world.

The Interview of our CEO, Rıza Egehan Asad on Artificial Intelligence

CEO’s U.S. Adventure

Our CEO, Egehan, has been busy on his U.S. tour, with stops at Boston University and MIT.

  • Boston University Engagement: Egehan spoke at the Monthly Coffee Networking event hosted by the New England Turkish Student Association, highlighting the transformative potential of AI across various industries.
Our CEO at Monthly Coffee Networking event organized by NETSA at Boston University


Our team has been engaged in a flurry of activities, from enhancing our digital presence to fostering vibrant discussions across our social media platforms. These efforts highlight our dedication and passion for leading the AI community.

We’ve been focused on refining our online content, ensuring it's both engaging and informative. Whether it's updating our website with the latest features or sharing thought-provoking insights on LinkedIn, our aim is to keep you connected and informed.

Open communication and transparency are fundamental to our approach. We’re dedicated to sharing our expertise and fostering a collaborative environment where innovative ideas can flourish.

If you want to stay informed about the latest in AI, be sure to subscribe to the Novus Newsletter.

We’re committed to bringing you the best of AI, directly to your inbox.

Join our community for regular updates and insights, and be a part of the exciting journey at Novus.

Together, let’s shape the narrative of tomorrow.

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AI Dictionary

Exploring RAG: A Simple Tour of How It Works and What It Offers

This article shows how RAG enhances AI by improving context understanding, reducing bias, and advancing language processing.

February 28, 2024
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Language models, have improved in understanding and using language, making a significant impact on the AI industry. RAG (Retrieval-Augmented Generation) is a cool example of this.

RAG is like a language superhero because it's great at both understanding and creating language. With RAG, LLMs are not just getting better at understanding words; it's as if they can find the right information and put it into sentences that make sense

This double power is a big deal – it means RAG can not only get what you're asking but also give you smart and sensible answers that fit the situation.

This article will explore the details of RAG, how it works, its benefits, and how it differs from big language models when working together. Before moving on to other topics and exploring this world, the most important thing is to understand RAG.

Understanding RAG

Understanding Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) is important to understand the latest improvements in language processing. RAG is a new model that combines two powerful methods: retrieval and generation.

This combination lets the model use outside information while creating text, making the output more relevant and clear. By using pre-trained language models with retrievers, RAG changes how text is made, offering new abilities in language tasks.

Learning about RAG helps us create better text in many different areas of language processing. ​​Also, acquiring knowledge about RAG is crucial for enhancing text creation across a wide array of language processing applications, shaping the future of AI.

How RAG Works

RAG operates through a dual-step process.

First, the retriever component efficiently identifies and retrieves pertinent information from external knowledge sources. This retrieved knowledge is then used as input for the generator, which refines and adapts the information to generate coherent and contextually appropriate responses.

Now that we understand how it functions, what are the positive aspects of RAG?

Advantages of RAG

  • Better Grasping the Context: RAG can understand situations better by using outside information, making its responses not only correct in grammar but also fitting well in the context.
  • Making Information Better: RAG can collect details from various places, making it better at putting together complete and accurate responses.
  • Less Biased Results: Including external knowledge helps RAG reduce unfairness in the pre-trained language model, giving more balanced and varied answers.

To understand RAG a little better, let's look at how it works and how it differs from the large language models.

Collaboration and Differences with Large Language Models

RAG is a bit like big language models such as GPT-3, but what sets it apart is the addition of a retriever. Imagine RAG as a duo where this retriever part helps it bring in information from the outside. This teamwork allows RAG to use external knowledge and blend it with what it knows, making it a mix of two powerful models—retrieval and generation.

For instance, when faced with a question about a specific topic, the retriever steps in to fetch relevant details from various sources, enriching RAG's responses. Unlike large language models, which rely solely on what they've learned before, RAG goes beyond that by tapping into external information. This gives RAG an edge in understanding context, something that big language models might not do as well.

How do they work with the synthetic data we often hear about?

Working with Synthetic Data

Synthetic data play an essential role in training and fine-tuning RAG. By generating artificial datasets that simulate diverse scenarios and contexts, researchers can enhance the model's adaptability and responsiveness to different inputs. Synthetic data aids in overcoming challenges related to the availability of authentic data and ensures that RAG performs robustly across a wide range of use cases.

If you're curious about synthetic data and want to know more, check out Synthetic Data Revolution: Transforming AI with Privacy and Innovation for additional details on this topic.

The Future of AI and Natural Language Understanding

The future of AI and natural language understanding (NLU) will see advancements in deep learning, multimodal integration, explainable AI (XAI), and bias mitigation. Conversational AI and chatbots will become more sophisticated, domain-specific NLU models will emerge, and edge AI with federated learning will rise. Continuous learning, augmented intelligence, and global collaboration for standards and ethics will be key trends shaping the future landscape.

A Perspective from the Novus Team

‘’One of the main shortcomings of LLMs is their propensity to hallucinate information. At Novus we use RAG to condition language models to control hallucinations and provide factually correct information.’’  Taha, Chief R&D Officer

To Sum Up…

RAG stands out as a major improvement in understanding and working with language. It brings together the helpful aspects of finding information and creating new content. Because it can understand situations better, gather information more effectively, and be fairer, it becomes a powerful tool for many different uses.

Learning about how it collaborates differently with big language models and using pretend data during training ensures that RAG stays at the forefront in the changing world of language models.

Looking ahead, RAG is expected to play a crucial role in shaping the future of language processing, offering innovative solutions and advancements in various fields.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is the difference between NLU and NLP?

NLU (Natural Language Understanding) focuses on comprehending the meaning and emotions behind human language. NLP (Natural Language Processing) includes a broader range of tasks, such as speech recognition, machine translation, and text analysis, encompassing both understanding and generating language.

How does Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) improve text accuracy?

RAG improves text accuracy by combining retrieval and generation. The retriever fetches relevant information from external sources, and the generator uses this information to create accurate, contextually appropriate responses, enhancing precision over models relying solely on pre-trained data.

What are key applications of RAG?

Key applications of RAG include;

Customer Support: Providing accurate responses to inquiries.

Content Creation: Generating high-quality articles and social media posts.

Education: Delivering personalized learning content.

Healthcare: Enhancing medical information retrieval.

Research: Summarizing relevant academic information.

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Novus CEO Talks Future of AI in Fast Company

Novus CEO Rıza Egehan Asad shares Novus' vision for advancing AI and ASI, and innovative AI solutions in Fast Company.

February 22, 2024
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In the latest issue of Fast Company, Rıza Egehan Asad, Co-founder and CEO of Novus, shares the company’s vision for advancing Artificial Superintelligence (ASI) and how Novus is committed to making AI a reliable technology for enterprises.

Egehan's Insights:

''We have taken our first steps towards becoming one of the companies that shape artificial intelligence in the world with the patentable structures we have developed and the solutions we provide to large companies.'' Egehan shares.

Key Highlights from the Interview:

  • Achieving ASI: Egehan provides detailed insights into Novus' ambitious goals for realizing ASI, emphasizing the strategic milestones set for the coming years.
  • Innovative AI Solutions: He highlights the innovations Novus introduces to the business world through various AI agents and systems, ensuring they operate in secure on-premise environments to meet the highest standards of data security and privacy.
  • Investor Strategy: The interview outlines Novus’ strategy for attracting and securing investments, focusing on the company's cutting-edge developments and robust growth potential.

As Novus continues to pioneer in the AI industry, this feature in Fast Company underscores our dedication to pushing the boundaries of AI technology. Our commitment to developing patentable AI structures and providing innovative solutions to large companies positions us at the forefront of the AI revolution.

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AI Academy

Synthetic Data: Innovating AI with Privacy

Synthetic data boosts AI by offering privacy, cost-efficiency, and diversity, leading to more innovative machine learning models.

February 15, 2024
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The continuous evolution of data-driven technologies highlights the significant role synthetic data plays in advancing machine learning and artificial intelligence applications. Characterized by its artificial creation to emulate real-world datasets, it serves as a powerful tool in various industries.

This approach provides a practical solution to challenges associated with data privacy, cost, and diversity, and contributes to overcoming limitations related to data scarcity. In today's blog post, the world of synthetic data will be explored, explaining why it’s an important area for businesses.

What is Synthetic Data?

It encompasses datasets created artificially to emulate the statistical properties and patterns observed in real-world data. This replication process involves diverse algorithms or models, resulting in data that does not stem from actual observations.

The primary goal is to offer an alternative to genuine datasets, preserving the critical attributes required for effective model training and testing.

By closely mimicking real data, it allows researchers and developers to conduct experiments, validate models, and perform analyses without the constraints or ethical concerns associated with using actual data. This is particularly crucial in fields where data sensitivity or scarcity poses significant challenges.

Moreover, it facilitates the exploration of hypothetical scenarios and stress testing of models under conditions that may be rare or unavailable in real datasets. Overall, it serves as a versatile tool in the development and refinement of machine learning and artificial intelligence systems.

Why is Synthetic Data Important?

This artificially generated datasets is gaining importance across various industries due to its ability to address key challenges:

  • Privacy and Security: Artificially generated datasets serve as a protective measure for confidential information, facilitating the creation and evaluation of models without exposing real-world data to potential security risks.
  • Cost and Time Efficiency: The process of collecting comprehensive real-world data can be expensive and time-intensive. Artificial datasets offer a practical and cost-effective alternative, enabling the production of varied datasets.
  • Data Diversity: Enhancing the diversity of datasets, artificially generated data aids in improving the generalization of models across various scenarios, resulting in more robust and adaptable AI systems.
  • Overcoming Data Scarcity: In situations where acquiring a sufficient amount of real data is challenging, artificially generated data provides a crucial solution, ensuring models are trained on a diverse range of datasets.

These characteristics render these artificially generated datasets an invaluable asset across a wide range of data types and applications.

Types of Synthetic Data

Fully Synthetic Data:

  • These datasets are completely generated through artificial means.
  • They are created without any direct connection to real-world data, utilizing statistical models, algorithms, or other methods of artificial generation.
  • They are particularly valuable in scenarios where privacy concerns are paramount, as they do not rely on real-world observations.

Partially Synthetic Data:

  • This type of data merges real-world data with artificially generated components.
  • Specific parts or features of the dataset are replaced with artificial counterparts while retaining some elements of authentic data.
  • It strikes a balance between preserving real-world characteristics and introducing measures for privacy and security.

Hybrid Synthetic Data:

  • This data type combines real-world information with partially or entirely artificial components.
  • It aims to leverage the benefits of both real and artificial data, creating a diverse dataset that addresses privacy concerns while incorporating some real-world complexities.

Understanding the interplay between synthetic and real data is crucial for effectively leveraging their combined strengths in AI applications.

Combining Synthetic and Real Data

Integrating real data with its artificially created counterpart offers a balanced approach to data analysis and model development. Real data captures the intricate variability and nuances of the real world but often raises privacy issues and can be costly and labor-intensive to gather. Conversely, artificially created data provides a solution for privacy protection, cost reduction, and increased diversity in datasets.

A widely embraced strategy is the creation of hybrid datasets, which merge both forms of data. This method capitalizes on the rich details of real-world data while effectively managing privacy concerns. The result is the development of more robust and effective machine learning models.

The blend of authentic and artificial data creates a synergistic mix that leverages the strengths of both types. This fusion drives progress in the field of artificial intelligence, enabling more sophisticated and nuanced applications.

In summary...

Synthetic data is a key player in reshaping artificial intelligence, addressing critical challenges such as privacy, cost-efficiency, and data diversity. Its various forms, from fully synthetic to hybrid, offer distinct benefits, striking a balance between authenticity and practicality.

The integration of synthetic and real data in hybrid datasets enhances machine learning models, combining the richness of real-world scenarios with robust privacy protection, and paving the way for innovative and effective AI applications.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is synthetic data and why is it important?

It refers to artificially generated datasets designed to replicate the statistical properties of real-world data. It is important because it addresses key challenges such as privacy and security, cost and time efficiency, data diversity, and overcoming data scarcity, making it an invaluable asset in various industries.

What are the different types of synthetic data?

There are three main types: fully synthetic data, which is entirely artificially generated without any direct connection to real-world data; partially synthetic data, which merges real-world data with artificially generated components; and hybrid synthetic data, which combines real-world information with partially or entirely artificial components to create a diverse dataset.

How does combining synthetic and real data benefit machine learning models?

Combining synthetic and real data in hybrid datasets enhances machine learning models by leveraging the richness of real-world data while simultaneously addressing privacy concerns. This approach results in more robust and effective models, harnessing the strengths of both authentic and artificial data to propel advancements in the field of artificial intelligence.

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Novus Newsletter: AI Highlights - January 2024

January's AI innovations: OpenAI’s Sora, Reddit’s data deal, and NVIDIA’s chatbot. Plus, Novus’s key achievements.

January 31, 2024
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Hey there!

Duru here from Novus, bringing you the best bits from our AI newsletters – now all in one place!

In our newsletters, we dive into the cool, the quirky, and the must-knows of AI, from how it's shaking up marketing to ethical debates in art, and even AI fortune-telling (yes, really!).

In this post, I'm unpacking some of the most important stories and insights from the first 2 issues of our newsletter published in January 2024. It's like a quick catch-up over coffee with all the AI chatter you might have missed.

And hey, if you like what you read, why not join our crew of subscribers? You'll get all this and more, straight to your inbox.

Let's jump in!


In our first email newsletter that we shared in the first days of the year, we talked about what kind of developments are expected on the AI side in 2024 like how AI is reshaping white-collar roles, with a focus on enhancing productivity and enabling new capabilities in knowledge-based and creative fields.

  • Key points included:
    • AI's role in enhancing productivity in knowledge-based fields.
    • The emerging trend of in-house AI solutions to counter GPU shortages.
    • The rise of actionable AI agents beyond traditional chatbots.
    • The urgent need for regulation with the advent of deepfake technology.

The Intersection of AI and Marketing

In our second issue, we explored AI’s growing but nuanced role in marketing.

  • Key Point: Despite AI's increasing use, there's not a major increase in AI-specific job requirements in marketing.

      This suggests a complex blend of AI tools and human creativity at play.

Art and AI: A Delicate Dance

We also touched upon the ethical aspect of AI in the art world.

  • Highlight: Kin Art's initiative aims to protect artists from AI exploitation.

      This reflects the need for ethical balance in technological advancement.

GDPR and AI - Navigating Data Privacy

Our focus at social media was on the critical role of GDPR in AI development.

Novus’s Adventures at CES 2024

Our co-founders represented Novus at CES 2024, a major tech event where AI technologies took center stage.

They explored an array of AI-powered innovations, from robots to holograms, and shared insights on how these technologies are shaping the future.

Our co-founders at CES 2024

AI’s Predictive Power and Ethical Implications

At CES 2024 many AI tools were unveiled for the first time. Among them were some pretty interesting ones, one of them being SK's AI Fortune Teller.

  • Key Point: Powered by high-bandwidth memory technology, it claims that it can tell users’ their fortune by reading their emotions.
    • The machine snaps a photo of your face and asks you to select a card from an on-screen deck.
    • Within moments, the AI analyzes facial characteristics and produces an Tarot card-like print with a short, future-looking message or piece of advice

Novus Updates and Team Insights

In addition to exploring the fascinating world of AI, we've been busy behind the scenes at Novus.

From revamping our website to engaging in vibrant discussions on Twitter and LinkedIn, our team has been actively shaping the narrative of AI.

These glimpses into our daily work and thought leadership reflect the passion and dedication we bring to the AI community.

If you’re intrigued and want to stay on top of AI’s latest developments, don’t forget to subscribe to the Novus Newsletter.

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